Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Gone Fishing

I haven't been able to get much work done, which is why I've been MIA.

In order to start a blog I know its important to keep posting and I've been doing a terrible job at it. I can't help it. It's so pretty here and the last thing you want to do is sit in front of a computer.  What can I say I am a sucker for a pretty face. Besides getting no work done this is what else has been going on... more to come. Mucho mahalo for your interest.


Monday, September 14, 2015

Enjoying the moment

It will be three weeks on Tuesday since I made the move from LA to the North Shore. Since I arrived on the rock there’s been all kinds of mixed emotions. More good than bad. Lots of firsts but I guess moving to a new place will do that to you.

The first couple days it was ALL good. We got a temporary place right near the water and even for a non-surfer* like me this topped the muthafucken charts. Melvin (my Toyota Prius) made it safely overseas. We were meeting so many kind chill people helping us out left and right. I was discovering the day to day of living country in this magical place, called the North Shore.

Then as the Universe will some times do I got the rug pulled from under me and I fell face first into the sand.

Before I could fall way into the downward spiral of a victim (and I only fell a little bit) I decided to open my eyes and get a reality check of where I was. Yes, the islands were on a collision course with 5 major hurricanes. Yes, I experienced a huge set back with my core support group thousands of miles away, but I finally arrived in Hawaii the place I had been planning and working so hard to be. I am 100% certain that this will not be my last test the Universe will hurl at me so I can learn, move forward and do mo betta next time.  

One of the many great things about Hawaii is the people. On our last visit to Hawaii we met a lovely woman, S and her adorable baby boy, H. She talked about her garden and her home in Makaha Valley. I was fortunate enough to meet her out in Waianae and hang out with S and H in the Westside.

The drive like most drives on the island was a long one from the North Shore. The drive along the Westside coastline felt familiar and reminded me of the drive down the 1 (aka Pacific Coast Highway). I drove into the valley and it was breathtaking. The mountains are super green from all the rain in the past couple of weeks.

The visit was just what I needed to help remind me of this new road I am on and all that comes with it. S’s home is a haven on top of the hill. It is serene, filled with lots of colorful flowers, a constant cool wind rolls through the valley and you get a spectacular view of the moana (ocean) and the mauka (mountain) side.

S, like other smart folks on the island, grow and raise their own food. Some even hunt for their food. S actually has a pack of hunting dogs. So rad. We sipped on tangy chia lilikoi water a superb natural refreshment she made with a bowl of mango, papaya and apple bananas all grown in her backyard. S is a local and told me more about the area, hikes to do, what beaches to visit, and the highs and struggles of life in Hawaii and everywhere. 

I fell in love with her garden and hen house. This was just another peek at my not so distant future.  She said it took patience to garden and it was WORK! I tried helping with some of the sweet potatoes but no luck. It was too hot and the red ants were biting at my legs. P had some luck and got her little sweetie out!

After a little labor I cooled down in the shade with H-Man for some art therapy.

I am grateful that even with the tragic event that happened earlier in the week I was blessed with this day and new friends in my new home. I am grateful and appreciative of the beautiful moments happening right now and enjoying them. Mucho mahalo and until next time.

Monday, August 31, 2015

Divorce Your Story, Marry the Truth

About one year ago I decided to move from Los Angeles and start a new life in Hawaii. I have never been more motivated for anything in my life. I saved more money than I ever have and probably hustled more than I ever have. The weeks before the move were the most grueling and it felt as if I would never leave LA.

Cutting ties is hard work. Moving is hard work. I’ve been moving almost every 2-3 years since I was 20 but never this major.

I quit my job.
I moved out of my home in Echo Park.
Shipped my Melvin (my Prius) in a box over the Pacific.
Sold some shit packed the rest.
Gave a kiss to my mama and told LA “checkyoulater”

It’s a love hate relationship with my hometown and I will always be a California girl at heart but all signs were pointing to this move, to Hawaii, and I was getting nothing but green lights from the Universe.

The day came when I finally arrived on the island. From the very start things felt so optimistic and the future never looked so bright. People always talk about the “aloha spirit” and without fail it was definitely felt!

The beauty of the island leaves me speechless and I have to constantly check in with myself and trust: YES YOU ARE HERE! YES, YOU DESERVE THIS! THIS IS HAPPENING! I decided to divorce my story as of 2015 and start living the truth. MY truth. There is lots of glorious transition going on and I am using this platform to document it all. The Virgo in me hopes for there to be more organization but this is still evolving (and very new to me) so please bear with me.

Until then mucho mahalo for your time and attention.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Road to nowhere. 1st entry

Lots of transition these last days at home. Lots of new things and lots of things coming to an end.
All bitter sweet.
I'll be moving be leaving my home, Los Angeles, California to move to the North Shore Oahu, Hawaii in less than 23 days with my two dear friends that I've known since I was 13 years old. I decided to start Mucho Mahalo to document all the beautiful adventures that await me.

Hope you all stay tuned. Mucho mahalo.